Terms & Conditions

  Please read these terms carefully before using and or placing an order from this website. This may seem technical and legalistic but they are important. By using this website, and by placing an order from this site, you accept these terms. This includes without limitation, accepting the terms relating to disclaimer of returns and damaged goods. IF you do not agree to these terms, whether in whole or in part, please do no use this site.
  1. You agree to provide correct and accurate email, postal and or other contact details to us and you acknowledge that we may these details to contact you in the event that this should prove necessary.
  2. If you do not provide all the necessary details, we may not be able to process your order
  3. By placing an order through the website, you represent that you are at least 18 years old and are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.
  4. You will not attempt to interfere or will not interfere in any way with the website’s networks or related network security to gain unauthorized access to any other computer system.